The Cryptocurrency Terms Guide

Do you feel lost when people are talking about cryptocurrencies ?

Here’s the ultimate guide you’ll ever need to understand crypto language and terms.

Learn the crypto language:

  • ALTCOIN: Alternative cryptocurrencies launched after bitcoin.
  • ATH: All Time High. The highest price that the coin has ever reached.
  • BULLISH: An expectation of increasing price.
  • BEARISH: An expectation of decreasing price.
  • FIAT: Currency that is legal tender such as the USD, GBP and EUR.
  • COLD STORAGE: Moving crypto “offline” to a hardware wallet (cold wallet).
  • FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out.
  • FUD: Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt – Propaganda and media coverage that lowers investor confidence and lower market prices.
  • FORK: When an existing blockchain splits into two separate blockchains.
  • FUDSTER: An entity that spreads FUD.
  • HODL: To hold the crypto (slang used in the crypto world).
  • ICO: Initial Coin Offering (type of crowdfunding).
  • MARKET CAP: Total market value of the volume of available cryptos multiplied by its price.
  • MOONING: Cryptocurrency prices going up extremely high.
  • POS: Proof of stake. A type of algorithm by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus in choosing the creator of the next block
  • POW: Proof of work. An economic measure protocol to deter denial of service attacks and other service abuses on the blockchain
  • SATOSHI: One hundred millionth of a bitcoin. The smallest denomination of a bitcoin.
  • ROI: Return On Investment. Percentage of gains from the initial invested capital.
  • QA: Qualitative Analysis. Research based on quantifiable information such as management expertise, industry cycles, strength of research and development.
  • TA: Technical Analysis. Analyzing statistics gathered from trading activities in an attempt to predict their future movement.
  • P&D: Pump and Dump. Schemes that attempt to boost the price of a coin through fake recommendations (Illegal) just to sell once the price is high enough. Also called “Short Squeeze”.
  • WALLET: Software program that stores private and public keys to interact with various blockchain, used to store cryptos.
  • BLOCKCHAIN: Distributed public ledgers. Decentralized public databases that everyone can access and read, but date on the blockchain can only be updated by the data owners. Data is then replicated across thousands of computers that maintain the blockchain.
  • WHALE: People or groups that have large volumes of crypto.

We really hope that was helpful to you !